Useful Links

Useful links

New in Peru or planning on moving to this beautiful country? Below you can find some useful links to Facebook groups or webpages with expat communities, tips on how to find a job in Peru or answers to your legal questions about the immigration process or visa requirements. These groups will support you to feel home very quick and learn about the Peruvian culture, its treasures and the incredible history this magnificent country has to offer.

Feel at home even before setting foot in Peru.

Facebook Groups

Peru – Digital Nomads and Residency Options

A joint project of NVC Abogados and Digital Nomads Peru. In this group, you can directly connect with us. It’s open for anyone who is interested in obtaining a visa for Peru but also for digital nomads and perpetual travelers who are looking for ways to register a company without necessarily wanting to become a resident.

Click here to join the group

Life in Peru – Expat Support

A Facebook group with a fast-growing community where all your questions about living in Peru will quickly be answered.

Click here to join the group

Expat jobs in Peru

You’re looking for a job in Peru. It’s this Facebook group’s mission to help expats connecting with employers in Peru. The group gives you tips about finding a job in Peru and shares interesting job vacancies posted by companies.

Click here to join the group

Expats Cusco – Peru

This international group welcomes all members, expat or not who are eager to settle down in Cusco or the Sacred Valley, who plan a long term trip to this city, or plan to go for it in a near future. Dreamers are welcome, too!

Click here to join the group

Expats Arequipa

For over 5 years, this group has been source of tips and recommendations for Expats and travellers in Arequipa. Feel free to join our Arequipa community!

Click here to join the group

Argentinos en Lima

Are you an Argentinian living in Lima or would like to connect with Argentinians? Then this is the Facebook group for you. Make connections, get to know where Argentinians in Lima meet, where they eat and much more interesting information.

Click here to join the group

Français a Lima

A Facebook group for the French community in Lima with the goal to exchange and share information about different topics such as housing, travel, exchange rates, internships, jobs or volunteering possibilities.

Click here to join the group

Useful Websites

Traveling and living in Peru

For expats – from expats. A small team of motivated authors write articles about the beautiful and diverse country of Peru and strive to deliver reliable content from an expat perspective to those who wish to travel, eat and live the authentic Peru experience.

Click here to go to the website


You’re about moving to a foreign country and are overwhelmed by the many questions that spin around in your head? InterNations provides you with the necessary information like for example how to find a place to live, open a bank account or set up your internet connection. Besides this, it’s a platform to connect with other like-minded who share your interests and hobbies. With InterNations you will feel at home and adapt to the local culture very quick.

Click here to go to the website

Migraciones – Official website

The Peruvian government’s official webpage with helpful information about the immigration process and your stay in Peru. If you’re thinking about moving to Peru, many of your questions will be answered here.

Click here to go to the website


Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria, also known as SUNAT, is the organization which enforces customs andtaxation in Peru.

Click here to go to the website

Embassies in Peru

Click here to find a list of all countries which have an embassy or a consulate in Peru.

Real Estate in Peru – Crecer Inmobiliaria

NVC Abogados recommends Crecer Inmobiliaria to find your perfect new home in Peru, no matter whether you’re looking to buy or to rent something.

Click here to go to Crecer Inmobiliaria’s Facebook Page

Rent an apartment or buy property in Peru

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